Petitions Petitions Petitions Petitions
Thursday, October 22, 2020
4251 / 4259 /4260 / 4264 / 4313 - Judgment given against 4 Privy COUNSELLORS / UK CABINET MEMBERS - petitioning Queen for highest punishment
i have laid claims for unlawful wrongdoing against your
advisors and they have been found wonting ; i petition your Majesty to dispense
the highest punishment, upon these wrongdoers/advisors. i believe God’s punishment is between man and
his Maker and He will mete out punishment as He sees fit.
The unlawful wrongdoing is every trespass harm felonie against
every man under the Creator for amongst their felonies are ‘sacrilege’ claiming
man is not equal under God and mortmain are superior over God ; preventing the
defence of the realm from alien invaders from inside the kingdom and outwith
her borders and imprisonment of man in terrorem.
Your wrongdoers thus far comprise four Privy Counsellors including
the Prime Minister[i],
Defence Secretary, Health Secretary and Chancellor of Exchequer and the
minister for Defence People and Veterans.
That they have distressed Her Majesty inflicting trespass harm against
the people o’ these lands through unlawful ACTs :
ACTs introduced which claim to have licence to harm man
contrary to the laws of God and Common Law which are void ; i fear you are in
distress and have been caused this distress by your advisors - it being no
fault of Your Majesty's. That they do as
such, disobeying the oaths and law of this kingdom[ii],
is to the distress of one's most beloved Queen and should not continue. The people need to do all that is necessary
to repel these plots and i offer up my services.
To seek Her Majesty to grant ACTs which is to cause the
unlawful trespass harm of man, is to say they are ‘unlawful and lawful’ at the same time which
is impossible ;
such harm and distress the wrongdoers cause can not be
exonerated for that too is to call the unlawful trespass harm of man ‘unlawful
and lawful’ at the same time, which is impossible ;
Your advisors actions claim they have become above the
Common Law of this kingdom and above God's Law.
This is not so and can never be for no living man can be property to be commanded
by mortmain.
It is known the prerogatives of your Majesty are
determinable and limited yet we have the advisors acting as if
parliamentary/corp-oration'al privilege is unlimited and undeterminable ; this
is a disobedience of the law.
That the aliens and corporations claim and act that they
have right over the issue of man, meaning all living man, including the issue
of Her Majesty from her body personal, and, through the succession, though God
grant many more years of Her Majesty's reign, the body politic, appear to claim
a right of usurpation and is an abomination ; a disobedience of the oath taken
by the advisors and of the highest law of this land. as though our laws are
naught and power has already been transferred is as distressing to the people
as it surely must be to Her Majesty seeing a pretender to the throne of this
i have sought out the advisors at great personal risk
seeking information on the 'law relied upon, lawfulness' of their acts but they
are nihil dicit ; i remain denied access, as would be Her
Majesty, to the people’s Queen's Bench Division where i laid suit over these
grave matters;
Our laws and the defence of the realm are the most serious
imperative of Her Majesty - i lay my petition before our most beloved Majesty
to punish the wrongdoers.
i have the honour to be, Madam, Your Majesty's humble and
obedient servant,
4259 HANCOCK- TRESPASS HARM - DEFAMATION OF MAN, MAN'S KITH & KIN - HANCOCK SAYS i AM BEHOLDEN TO A 4ProfitCORP-ORAT-ION AND 4ProfitCORP-ORAT-IONs can command man ; take their Property, PROPERTY = § PROPERTY Corporeal, incorporeal : Life, Estate or Liberty, , Issue, Travel, Living, Body fluids, Temperature, DNA, Images or any thing that is his
- this is UNLAWFUL trespass harm
Wednesday, October 21, 2020
4305|¬ Updates to UNLAWFUL TRESPASS UPON MAN¬S PROPERTY CLAIM 162MC305 LAID against John Luther Mercer MP for DEFAMATION¬ MISPRISION and other FELONIES ¬ 4ProfitCorporation JUDICIARY granting unlawful rights over man
Monday, October 5, 2020
4260|0010 Petition To Her Majesty the Queen
4260|0010 Petition To Her Majesty the Queen