Saturday, June 13, 2020

Count the number of Objectors to the UK's Corona Virus Abuses Inflicted by Crown's Servants

Count the number of Objectors to the UK's Corona Virus Abuses Inflicted by Crown's Servants

The crown's servants and agents, the UK department for international development along with Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,Dr. T. Fauci of NIAID, USA and the Chinese Communist Party funded the Wuhan, China laboratory from which the SARS-CoV-2 Pathogen was released; the illness this causes is Covid-19.
Since the appearance of Covid-19 the UK government have plundered the public purse to transfer our wealth to others without our consent. 
In addition to withdrawing our wealth to pay for the absences from working caused by their illness, they have committed forward to transferring more of our public funds to organisations also funded by 'Bill Gates', including the WHO and myriad other organisations of which the public has no knowledge.  They say this is for the "cure".
The UK govt also are committing, against our rights, to violate our bodies with vaccines and trackers and appropriate yet more public funds to do this.
The UK government were instrumental in bringing about this illness and have kept up a campaign of fear through a catalogue of psychological operations to harm our health and wealth.  
Our petitions to have our voices heard is being denied.  Those Servants/Agents of the crown supposed to defend our rights are participating in the subjugation and oppression.
Below (1) is the link to the petitions which are being suppressed; this means signatures cannot be obtained in order to ensure our voices are heard.
Please contact your MP to say that you wish them to intercede to release the petitions. Their contact details are contained within the spreadsheet.  Please sign this petition (no payment needed) and include in your comments your MPs name and constituency and if possible the first part of your postcode.  
This is to assess the who and where of the agents acting to facilitate the #Shakedown against us.
(2) The Agents who released the Covid-19 and those covering up their agency

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

66|0007|170|02 To MPs for production of evidence of transparency and openness of donors, donations, information, institutions, officials

10th June 2020   

Am I witnessing the good governance of a developed country whereby the mechanisms to lift the country and every citizen to a position whereby every citizen is included and anti-corruption methods become so much the norm that everyone benefits.  I believe we are not witnessing good governance but the opposite of it.
The rushing through of the Coronavirus Act 2020 suggests not only that the fight against anti-corruption is in reverse and with the actions since the ‘George Floyd murder’ by a colleague from their workplace club resulting in the ‘Domestic Terrorism’ being unleashed on the people of the UK without hindrance and with some assistance, that the corruption goes all through the agencies of government and their sub-agencies.  None of this ‘deep and governance’ nor the actions, or inactions, are mandated by the crown’s subjects and because they harm those very subjects, the actions of those in the management of the UK are in violation and should be removed. 
It seems that contrary to popular belief the UK is no longer ‘free’.  The democratic watchdogs that measure civil liberties and political rights appear unfree.  Has ‘Antifa’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’ ever been one of the UK’s democratic watchdogs?  How have ‘Antifa’ and ‘Black Lives Matter’ become a level of governance that means what they say becomes instant policy?  Why do those ‘governing’ immediately take up their cry, kneel and allow the destruction of the UK’s way of life?  If corruption is all but eradicated in the UK and their institutions why is policy being rushed through the HoC and HoL without censure or involvement of the crown’s subjects save for certain factions?  Why is the policy coming in to effect for certain quarters immediately and without obstacle yet the majority of people opposing or even just questioning those governing being repressed, rejected or subjugated?
To my mind these things are happening because the level of corruption that now exists in the UK within the governance and because the UK is no longer a free country.  Far from being a world-leader in democratic processes, ‘the Mother of Parliaments’ the UK government and its institutions are the PR front for those ‘donor’ patrons.
The people of the UK need to mobilise and wrest their country from the grip of tyranny.  It has come down to us to become the unwitting volunteers  giving up their spare time to ‘set things straight’ in order that our ‘free future and those of the next generations’ is once again on in our possession.  The government has shown its hand and the people have to fight the ‘enemy within’.  The first course of action needs the Conservative leader to admit to their complicity in the ‘donor enslavement’ and either step down or confirm their reject ion of the donor and confirm they will assist in clean this up and the reintroduction of anti-corruption measures and back to good governance for the better of all, not just the done few.  Everyone who has ever been involved in governance and has knowledge needs to speak up and play their part as substitutes for those that will try to stop and reverse the corruption.  We the people are now the ‘threshold line’.
There is no increased level of good governance with the external aid provided to our government and institutions which have lead to everyone being treated equally and fairly.  The Prof. Ferguson data set upon which the government ‘acted’ was not the only data and was diametrically opposite to many scientific voices.  The UK’s media output was played where there was agreement with the done governmental institution, suppressing and removing dissenting or differing opinion.  The resulting picture more one of the CCP with their approved mouthpieces and not a free, democratic and incorruptible country.  Given that the donees influence within governance appears to be the only influence, we the people need to be shown the ‘conditions’ attached to the donations made to the UK government, its sub-governance machinery and associated institutions.  It does appear that the conditions of the donor required involvement in such a manner as to be the opposite of good-governance and anti-corruption.  The people of the UK have the right to see and know those conditions of the incoming donations.
The outgoing donations conditions made by those governing of the UK’s public money to done organisations and countries should also be made immediately visible. The UK people has, for decades, been forcibly donating to countries, organisations and institutions without there being much by way of results.  Disproportionately things have not changed or have deteriorated for the ‘intended donees’ whereas corruption and poor governance increase.  Yet the money belonging to the UK’s people continues to flow out without controls being taken for the failures of the aid packages.  Save the Children, Oxfam, Kids Company and the Prince Andrew Charitable Trust just a few of the corrupt use of people’s donations – whether known or through the mechanisms of the crown’s servants and agents.  None of these “charities” presented themselves for investigation, poor governance or corruption rather they got caught. 
There exists a merry-go-round of donations to Foundations, foundations to Trusts, trusts to Trustees of the crown’s subjects money made by those governing, donations made without the knowledge or approval of those to whom the money belongs and with opacity and secrecy.  This is not a society where anti-corruption practice is normative.  The capacity of donors to push a country to forego good governance whilst the PR and rhetoric asserts of a global crusade against corruption must surely find the donors and donees wanting?  Is the explanation and constant pushing of claims of fighting the corruption little more than a ‘show’ for the public’s consumption.  Afterall, stating the true position and actions would kill their own rents. 
The donors care only for their own interests ‘investing’ and this has been ‘writ large’ in the current “Corona Virus” global’trocity, the Indian cervical cancer trials, the occurrence of Covid-19 in papaya and goat samples of Tanzania and the ‘track, trace apps’ affiliated to government officials. 
The affiliation of the UK’s government to the source of the Covid-19 illness as a donor country to a CCP country, in tandem with the Gates Foundation is opaque and not one those governing have volunteered.  Those governing the UK are actively avoiding the root of the problem choosing their own self-serving including economic gain blindly ignoring their duty to anti-corruption within governance.  The UK people need to step up and are obliged to volunteer their services to question the donor motives, seek the donor conditions for and prevent aid feeding corruption. We have no choice, this is now our obligation for those controlling governance have failed and continue to fail us. Within the UK governance, corruption, rather than being the exception is now the norm. The anti-corruption tools we believed to be in place are clearly not.  The donor assistance received cannot be declared successful as we have lost control of corruption through the prescriptions attached to those donations and the absence of integrity is visible every night on the television updates by the donors representatives.
A reversal of the trajectory needs to occur back to the path where the dominant norm is that public officials are not corrupt and the majority of acts are not corrupt taking us back to a norm of integrity of the crown’s servants agents is dominant and private groups interests are impotent. A UK in which the endemic ‘corruption as the norm and an institutionalized practice’ is ousted; where treating individuals according to their status through personal and interpersonal state transactions – the use of public office for private profit ‘Vaccines, Track & Trace’, bribery, patronage, nepotism giving promotion and advancement based on connections with those with influence rather than on merit.
The government and donees should produce evidence and all of it, surrounding their donors, donations and donees for investigation into corruption and the corruption control measures.  Presently we have a pattern of distribution showing preference of public goods towards those holding more power – a lack of equal access, public integrity and a closed-shop to the majority of the UK people. An allocation of resources towards the historical discretionary method and a return to arbitrariness for those without power.  The return to bureaucrats appointing the allocation of resources on a basis of party or personal allegiance and the subsequent collusion in resource extraction.  The offshore investment fund which avoided having to pay tax ever in Britain and run by ex-British prime minister, David Cameron’s father, put the governance of the UK and it’s moving away from anti-corruption is evidence that such practices are the norm, the organised and scale of the corruption in extracting resources disproportionately in favour of the most powerful group.
We should demand, starting with the current crisis’s the information on the special interests behind the governments bills, contracts awarded, which officials have been bribed, which information is used on the basis of favouritism or donors involvement. That before any further decisions or laws being passed that the information is provided for inspection by the people and not contained behind closed doors and undertaken by those few and favourites of vested interest.  Personal ties are now needed to access public services and inducement the norm and necessary. In the UK government is working in favour of the few and people, connections not merit, bribery to gain access and where people are not equal in the eyes of the law and where favouritism is the norm. To allow the practice of widespread collusion to continue by appointed and elected office holders, civil servants and the law enforcement agencies is to have failed our countrymen and ourselves.