Friday, September 25, 2020

66|0031 25/09/2020 4251|0011 QBD defying their own rules in defamation, harm, unpaid debt cases


This is the 15th rejection by Queen's Bench Division of my claim for harm by Boris Johnson and his HARM [trespasses] against man.

Common Law courts are courts for one man and all man.  The 'Judiciary' is an INCORPORATED 4ProfitOrganisation.  All common law courts and their venues are funded by man; the common law courts, their assets and resources have been siphoned off to these commercial courts without the knowledge of man.  There is no law that says man has to "complete their forms", pay their commissions or give any entity the details of man's claim when laying it in the court of record-this is all legalese layers over the top to effect a 'mis re presentation' of the common law and man's access to it.  Only a jury need see the papers or proof.

Boris Johnson and the others have been asked to show the law that states they can harm man - there is no such law.

Nor is there any law that says a Corporation of judiciary can block / deny a man access to his court of record for harms committed against him.


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